If you die without a Will, what happens? One of my colleagues says, “Texas writes one for you.” What he means by that is that the Texas Estates Code determines how your property will be divided if you do not indicate your wishes in a formal Will. For the vast majority of people, doing a Will is inexpensive and simple. But if you die without one, what would have been simple, may … [Read more...]
How to Start Your Marriage Off Right
Considerations for A Pre-Nup (called Pre-Marital Agreement in Texas) People don’t usually think about using the Collaborative Law Process for crafting their Pre-Marital Agreement, but I think it’s much better than the traditional way of negotiating these agreements. The traditional way for a Pre-Marital Agreement is for one side to go to their attorney and ask their attorney to draft … [Read more...]
How to Manage Shared Parenting Time
What is really in the “best interest” of the children? I spent last week in New Orleans at the State Bar of Texas/American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers seminar on “Breaking Boundaries in Custody Litigation.” As someone who has embraced Collaborative Divorce and non-adversarial conflict resolution for families, it might seem curious why I would go to a course that even has “litigation” … [Read more...]
More Considerations on the “Gray Divorce”
In an earlier post, I highlighted the "Gray Divorce." Several studies have been ongoing around the country about Gray Divorces, divorces occurring in the “over 50” population. In 2014, Susan Brown, a professor and chair of the Sociology Department at Bowling Green University, called "Gray Divorce, A Growing Risk Regardless of Class of Education," in which she discussed that while education appears … [Read more...]
Can You Get A Divorce AND Have Happy Holidays?
I just returned from the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals 16th Annual Educational Forum, and I heard one participant say, “Litigation teaches clients how to litigate, and they end up doing it again and again (modifications), whereas in a Collaborative Divorce clients learn how to resolve conflict and issues so that they can move on without having to ‘re-litigate’ their issues … [Read more...]
The Impact of Conflict on Children
I am attending the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals 16th Annual Educational Forum in Washington, D.C. Donna Hicks, Ph.D., an associate at the Weatherford Center for International Affairs at Harvard and author of the book, “Dignity,” is our keynote speaker tomorrow night. Of course, because she works primarily in the field of international relations, much of her book is about … [Read more...]
10 Things to Remember With Children in Divorce
10 Things to Remember When Telling the Children About Your Divorce I remember today, fifty years later, walking in on my grandparents when one said, “Well, maybe we should just get a divorce.” That is one of the most vivid memories of my childhood. I was very close to my grandparents, as they cared for me each day while my parents worked, but still they were JUST my grandparents. I can only … [Read more...]
How to Have an Emotionally Safe Divorce
The Emotional Safety of a Collaborative Divorce In reading an article in this morning’s newspaper, I found a quote that sets out one very good reason why the Collaborative Divorce Process is better for most families than litigation. Litigation is what a trial is called, either before a judge or before a jury, and the rules of the game in litigation are to present evidence as to why the other side … [Read more...]
Ebby Halliday – The Modern American Woman
Ebby Halliday and the Modern American Woman and Family I never met Ebby Halliday in person, but anyone who lives in North Texas certainly feels like they know her personally because her face and brand is so well-known. The success of her brand could be a lesson to anyone who studies marketing and branding. As I read the front page article about her today in the Dallas Morning News, I learned … [Read more...]
Camille Milner Emcees Collaborative Luncheon
Milner Hosts Collaborative Law Institute of Texas’ 10th Annual Collaborative Law Luncheon in San Antonio Earlier this month, Camille Milner, President-Elect of the Collaborative Law Institute of Texas, served as Emcee for the Collaborative Law Institute of Texas’ 10th Annual Luncheon at the State Bar of Texas Advanced Family Law Course in San Antonio. Each year, at the Institute’s luncheon, … [Read more...]