I just returned from the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals 16th Annual Educational Forum, and I heard one participant say, “Litigation teaches clients how to litigate, and they end up doing it again and again (modifications), whereas in a Collaborative Divorce clients learn how to resolve conflict and issues so that they can move on without having to ‘re-litigate’ their issues for the remainder of their children’s lives.” This recent article, posted by the Collaborative Law Institute of Texas, does a great job of illustrating how litigation breeds litigation and Collaborative Divorce teaches people how to have a happier life after divorce, even during the holidays. My advice to clients: spend your money on your children’s college education–not on re-litigating your divorce. Thank you to Tracy (Stewart) C.P.A. and the other members of the Brazos Valley Collaborative Law Alliance for this insightful article.
You can also take a look at my previous blog about the importance of co-parenting with your ex for further reading on how to make this transition smoother for your children.
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