As most of my time for the past 35 years has been spent helping families going through divorce, including parents, step-parents, children, grandparents and extended families, I have an opportunity to read and review countless books on the subject.
Here are just a few that I have read or had recommended to me that might be of interest to you or someone you know going through, considering going through or who has gone through a divorce (remembering not to take the information in any of these books as legal advice because each state has it’s own laws):
Meeting Your Interests: Collaborative Law and Other Options for Dispute Resolution
Between Two Homes: A Co-Parenting Handbook by Bradley S. Craig, LMSW – IPR, CFLE
Talking to Children About Divorce, by Jean McBride, MS, LMFT
The Successful Single Mom, by Honoree Corder
The Successful Single Dad, by Honoree Corder
What about you? Do you have any book recommendations that helped you through your divorce?