January is Child-Centered Divorce Awareness Month. January is ending, but just because the month is ending, that’s no reason to go back to business as usual.
Collaborative Divorce is trending nationwide, and, for that matter, around the world. This week, Collaborative Divorce was featured on a morning news show in Connecticut. Jill Bicks, a Family Attorney with Pullman & Comley, explains that, while Collaborative Divorce has been around for over 20 years, most people still expect that a divorce has to be ugly and damaging to the children.
Before no-fault divorces became the law in most states, the only way to get a divorce was to file it based on fault, which meant that each side had to say the ugliest things they could about the other party, causing lifelong damage to their relationships and their children. Some couples need to be divorced, but in fact, science tells us that it is not the divorce itself that is the culprit in wrecking children’s lives, but it is HOW the parents handle their conflict, the divorce and their co-parenting relationship afterward.
Sadly, our culture, particularly our political culture, is in a trend right now, where animosity and heated conflict seem to rule the day.
Thankfully, many parents are learning that there is a better way to divorce, a way that will enable them to have a peaceful co-parenting relationship and raise emotionally healthy children – that better way is Collaborative Divorce. And even though the political climate seems to be unresolvable right now, wise and insightful parents are trending toward Collaborative Divorce, not just in Texas, but around the world. If you, or someone you know is contemplating a divorce, please research and insist on Collaborative Divorce – your emotional health and your children and grandchildren will thank you for that choice.